How to earn with Chat GPT: a selection of new ways
1. Earning money on the YouTube channel. Earning money on the ouTube channel. 1.

GPT chatbot can be used to create video scripts on ouTube. You can choose a trending topic yourself and create a channel that brings tons of content to your blog or video games every day.
To achieve maximum automation, it is possible to use individual video neurons that contribute to the creation of the visual aspects of the publication, resulting in significant transformation.
As a rule, videos of this quality have proven themselves well in the English-speaking segment of the Internet - the audience there is less demanding than that of Russians and CIS countries. You can monetize these videos both through the official YouTube affiliate program and through CPA networks.
2. Sell courses 2. Sell courses

Artificial intelligence and neural networks will undoubtedly continue to develop; there will be a fifth version of Chat GPT, a sixth and a seventh. This means that very soon there will be a huge demand for structured knowledge on how to deal with this “wunderwaffe” - no one wants to be left without work, right?
Hence, it is advisable to delve into a comprehensive understanding of the basics of Chat GPT. Spend time mastering its functions, establishing various connections with other neural networks, carefully studying the relevant documentation, and gradually gaining experience. Consequently, you will be able to create your own course, checklist, or webinar that can easily be sold to over a hundred people—a product that is unlikely to go untouched by potential buyers.
Pros and cons:
- There are practically no Chat GPT courses left in Russia;
- high demand is guaranteed with the release of each new version of the bot;
- Invest as much time and money as possible.
3. Startups based on GPT 3. Startups based on GPT

If you are looking for ways to make money through neural networks, then you have probably heard about the story a Briton who turned a hundred dollars into $25,000 with Chat GPT.
The idea is ridiculously simple: a British designer asked a robot to give him a startup idea, and also used the help of artificial intelligence to implement it. So in just one day the boy was able to launch a website selling environmentally friendly products and found a buyer for the project.
In some cases, one idea may be enough for even a small number of other people to implement it. An alternative to this is a neural network with a huge amount of information from various areas of life: for example, the science of business or art.
Pros and cons:
- ultra-high ROI on success.
- you will have to invest a lot of time and money to launch a startup;
- The bot idea may not work.
4. Maintain the audience on Telegram In what direction is the public on Telegram going.

Telegram is the most popular social network on the Runet, the active audience is tens of millions, promotion is not as difficult as in the overheated VK/Insta, people are ready to read and read a lot.
I already have several friends who have automated filling their Telegram channels using Chat GPT; the only thing they can do is to slightly adjust the texts to suit the company’s style, check the facts from time to time and adjust the meanings.
And the idea of the channel, methods of promotion and lists of participants can be seen in any chat.
Pros and cons:
- More than 1000 niches and formats for creating a public page in TG with deep integration of Chat GPT;
- High prices for advertising even in channels with 3 - 5 thousand subscribers.
- with small budgets for promotion, it will be possible to receive income only after six months or even more.
5. Make money writing articles 5. Make money writing articles

The popularity of digital freelance platforms continues to fuel the need for experienced copywriters, rewriters, and other text workers. Therefore, having a highly rated account with positive reviews makes it possible to start accepting orders and fulfilling them successfully. However, it should be noted that this approach cannot be considered completely automated, since significant editing is required after using Chat GPT.
The possibility of making significant amounts of money using this approach seems extremely unlikely due to the well-known greed of clients on the exchange. However, I believe that earning 300-400 rubles a day in just an hour of semi-automated work can be an exceptional way to accumulate savings for significant purchases throughout the year.
Pros and cons:
- low barrier to entry - no special knowledge required;
- Even texts from the free version of GPT 3.5 are suitable;
- The system needs to be created, but pumping it yourself from scratch is a utopia.
Cost optimization: 6. Cost optimization

“Saving means earning” , if you are running a simple online business and you have employees like an SEO specialist or a content manager who fills out product cards, then try implementing Chat GPT into your workflows to increase the efficiency of workers and pay the same for more work done.
Pros and cons:
speeding up and reducing the cost of work processes.
are missing.
Music creation. 7. Make music

Few people know, but Chat GPT can create not only text content, but also music. Just set the parameters: tempo, genre, mood, and in a couple of moments get an original melody, which you can later use in your projects, saving money on buying tracks.
Alternatively, taking inspiration from advances in artificial intelligence and using the generated track as a starting point, create your own original creation and sell it on specialized platforms, completely transforming it from its original state.
Pros and cons:
- you can try yourself as a musician without having any skills;
- It's easy to save a few bucks on video tracks;
- GPT music for chat is more suitable for inspiration for the subsequent creation and monetization of your own product.
8. Partnership marketing Affiliate marketing in Russia: how to organize a partnership.

With reliable affiliate marketing, you have the opportunity to earn significant income. Let Chat GPT help you create compelling content and provide detailed information about your product's target audience, which will significantly increase your revenue.
And if you are completely confused, you can create an almost completely independent information site and promote the products of CPA networks there, adding affiliate links.
Pros and cons:
- How to find interesting products; and earn money with their help.
- incredible efficiency gains when using Chat GPT;
- And so, although you will save on content and get nothing in return. ) (track traffic), buy advertising, domains.
9. Writing a dissertation Writing dissertation papers. 8. Preparation for the defense of candidate dissertations.
This approach is ideal for a motivated student with a strong inclination towards entrepreneurial ventures. Using the Chat GPT bot, you can easily create dissertations using your previous experience completing numerous orders for colleagues. Alternatively, you can look for work in an agency that specializes in such work, thereby entrusting your tasks to the capabilities of a neural network. Thus, the original statement may be significantly modified.
Pros and cons:
- easy income for students;
- seasonality.